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Early access indie business simulator

Early access indie business simulator

Vote: (1 votes)

Program license: Paid

Developer: Hovgaard Games

Version: 12.5.beta

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(1 votes)




Hovgaard Games


Also available for


  • Simple and approachable gameplay for beginners
  • Customizable office and team-building
  • Active developer community engagement


  • Limited depth and employee dynamics
  • Basic office layouts with limited customization
  • Soundtrack and gameplay can feel repetitive

Entrepreneurial Dreams Brought to Life in Startup Company

In the strategic world of business simulation games, Startup Company stands as a beacon for aspiring digital entrepreneurs looking to carve out their own slice of the corporate pie. This game allows players to start from humble beginnings with only a vision and an empty bank account. Here, the endgame is to turn a fledgling startup into a dominant market force.

An Office of One's Own

The journey in Startup Company begins with the bare essentials: a basic office space awaiting your entrepreneurial touch. From here, the mission is open-ended and echoes the unpredictability of the business world. Players have the opportunity to design their workspace, albeit within a somewhat narrow selection of layouts. The customization extends beyond just aesthetics, reaching into the very mechanics of your company as you hire employees, develop products, and take the market by storm. However, the range of options does seem to cater to surface-level preferences, potentially leaving players yearning for a deeper connection to their virtual empire.

Building the Dream Team

Success in business often hinges upon the team behind the operations, and Startup Company allows players to fill their offices with a diverse array of employees. The character depth of these virtual workers seems to be a work in progress, as individual personalities and the dynamics of employee interaction do not come to the forefront as one might hope. The simplicity of staffing your company may strike a chord with those new to the genre, though more seasoned players could find this aspect underwhelming.

Strategy in Simplicity

At its core, Startup Company aims to streamline the complicated nature of running a business into a more approachable package. However, this simplification can sometimes boil down the gameplay into a series of clicks, potentially sidelining the strategizing that fans of the genre crave. While some may find the straightforward approach inviting, others could perceive it as a limitation to the game's potential complexity and reward for in-depth involvement.

A Soundtrack on Repeat

While crafting your startup's legacy, you'll be accompanied by a soundtrack that, much like any office Muzak, plays consistently. Some may find this comforting, while others could be reaching for the mute button in search of a more varied audio experience to underscore their corporate conquests.

An Ever-Evolving Venture

One of the standout features of Startup Company is the developer's commitment to the community and to the evolution of the game itself. Although currently in early access and facing critiques regarding the depth and content, the active engagement from the developers hints at a promising future with potential updates that may breathe new life and added dimensions into the gameplay.


Startup Company may be an appealing prospect for those looking to dip their toes into the waters of business simulation without drowning in complexity. It delivers an easily accessible platform for virtual entrepreneurship, though currently lacking the depth that could elevate it from an exercise in potential to a fully fleshed-out experience. As it stands, the game offers a foundation with room to grow, much like the startups it aims to emulate.


  • Simple and approachable gameplay for beginners
  • Customizable office and team-building
  • Active developer community engagement


  • Limited depth and employee dynamics
  • Basic office layouts with limited customization
  • Soundtrack and gameplay can feel repetitive